May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

erm,penyakit lama dah dtg balik la. penyakit malas :-D

nak kata tak ada cerita,byk cerita tapi bz skit lately. with the new job and new list of customers, tak cukup tangan dibuatnya. kebetulan boss pun byk suruh aku buat kerja utk bantu dia which means he trust me and I can learn a lot from him. I love my new job.

ok, back to mothers day story. we celebrated the day at my mum's place. we cook simple dish, add on with few items bought at nearest shop and had fun together. for my mum, i bought a set of tupperware for her. she loves it!

dear mak, thank you for your love. terima kasih yg tak terhingga atas semua pengorbanan mak.hanya Allah sahaja yg mampu membalasnya. semoga mak sentiasa sihat dan dirahmati Allah selalu. sayang mak!
saya baru belajar guna picasa web album,mintak mahap ye kawan-kawan,lambat skit,hehe.collage kat bawah ni hasilnya.bole la kan utk budak baru belajar,belajar sendiri tuu,tak de cikgu ajar pun,ngeheheh.



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