So, how was the exam?erm,bole la… so-so aje. Cuma aku harap ada yang akan buat aku meloncat gembira especially statistic. Lecturer yg best membuatkan aku rasa sayang kat subject tu…. See how lah nanti,bila dah dpt result hujung bulan depan kita announce okeh.
Right after the last paper last Friday, we headed to TM Resort Tjg Bungah untuk enjoy!bersungguh-sungguh nak enjoy ok….check in sabtu, the next day check out… splashing time for the kids! Suka budak-budak tu…. Let the pictures tell the stories lah yek…. Siap dgn water gun bagai… kebetulan pak ngah and the clan pun join, barulah happening.

Bakal ratu renang negara tgh prektis dgn wan :-)
Other than splashing time, the parents being the young parents on Saturday night pegi merewang ke Bt Ferringhi… mana bole dah sampai that area tak pegi night market Bt Ferringhi yg glamer tuh kan? So, mama yg dah merdeka sebab dah abis exam telah membeli belah dvd dgn meriah nye… hehehe… Cuma spoilt sebab tak prepare the list of movies yg nak beli…. Jadinya beli mana yang ingat aje la…. Tapikan… tapikan… next month nak pegi stay TM Resort lagi,weihiiiii… so,leh pegi beli dvd lagik…. Best best…. And this time,satu list yg panjang akan disediakan utk must watch movies…. And oh! By the way my genre is romantic and romantic comedy (sungguh seronok berangan-angan dan tak yah tensen atau takut macam tgk cerita thriller ke action ke… :D)

Haih!... ok… saya sungguh addicted to this mba thingy kan? Saya mengaku… I’m so into this….. konon tajuk freedom... tapi cerita asyik-asyik pasal study...hoho!
Ok people…. I’m so happy with my life and enjoying every precious moments with family while still can (before another nightmare next semester) and I want to just jot a note here that I have completed half of the mba journey!! thank you Allah…..
Enjoy the pictures peeps! Tada!